Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Adventure by Program Power 5: Walk-through Solution

Warning: do not read further unless you wish to see the complete solution for the game.

NO (to answer the question of whether you are a wizard; this is just a tribute to an obscure feature of the classic Colossal Cave adventure game. You then begin on a twisty north south road). SOUTH, GET LAMP, WEST, NORTH, WEST, SOUTH, GET AXE, EAST, EAST, SOUTH, NORTH, OPEN SESAME (the cavern opens), YES (to the question of whether you have a lamp), LIGHT LAMP, NORTH, KILL FROG (the princess runs off), EAST, EAST, EAST, EAST, NORTH, NORTH, GET INGOT (treasure 1), SOUTH, RUB LAMP (transported to Magician's bedroom), WEST, WEST, SOUTH, GET VASE (treasure 2), NORTH, WEST, EXTINGUISH LAMP, HOOT (Owl kills the rat), LIGHT LAMP, IN, GET COIN (treasure 3), OUT, EAST, NORTH, NORTH, WEST, KILL SPIDER (with the axe), SOUTH, GET RUBY (treasure 4), NORTH, NORTH, EAST, EAST, DROP AXE, SOUTH, GET WINE, DRINK WINE (for the empty bottle), NORTH, WEST, SOUTH, RUB LAMP (transported back to black room), WEST, FILL BOTTLE, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, IN (put treasures in the Left Luggage Office), LEAVE VASE (do not use DROP which smashes the vase), DROP COIN, DROP RUBY, DROP INGOT, GET KEYS, STEAL COIN (thrown into the Dungeon, with keys intact), GET RING (treasure 5), UNLOCK DOOR, DROP KEYS (leave them here for next time), OUT, WATER PLANT (tiny plant grows into a beanstalk), SOUTH, EAST, SOUTH, GET AXE, EAST, GET PRINCESS (hooray!), WEST, WEST, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, GET PEARL (treasure 6), SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, FILL BOTTLE, WEST, DROP PEARL, STEAL PEARL (get thrown into the Dungeon again, as a shortcut back to the castle), GET KEYS, UNLOCK DOOR, DROP KEYS, OUT, WATER BEANSTALK (grows into a giant beanstalk), DROP BOTTLE, UP, GET DIAMOND (treasure 7), DOWN, SOUTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH, RUB LAMP (transported back to black room), GET PEARL, WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, IN, DROP PEARL, DROP RING, DROP DIAMOND, SCORE (Well done - you have achieved your goal of collecting all 7 treasures and rescuing the princess, using minimum turns!).

Finally (with the patched "winnable" version of the game): type DROP PRINCESS to win.

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