Top Eight Name Entry Screen
Having made a brief diversion in the last post to look at some general text printing routines, we now return to code relating to the Hall of Fame. As we saw in this earlier post, after each game the player's score is checked to see if it qualifies for the Top Eight. If it does, then a screen is displayed prompting for their name.
Since the screen is in MODE 7 teletext, all the content information can be stored as a list of text and control characters, then displayed by calling the "Microsoft string" print routine from the last post.
BeebDis labels:
An awesome score of above 1000 gets you into the Top Eight |
Displaying the Entry Screen
Since the screen is in MODE 7 teletext, all the content information can be stored as a list of text and control characters, then displayed by calling the "Microsoft string" print routine from the last post.
topEightText $0400
EQUS $86 ; Length of all text to display (&86 characters)
EQUS $16,$07 ; Mode 7
EQUS $1F,$07,$03 ; Move cursor to (7,3)
EQUS $86,$9D ; Background colour to Cyan
EQUS $84,$8D ; Text colour to blue, double-height
EQUS "Congratulations!!"
EQUS $9C ; Background colour to Black
EQUS $1F,$07,$04 ; Move cursor to (7,4)
EQUS $86,$9D ; Background colour to Cyan
EQUS $84,$8D ; Text colour to blue, double-height
EQUS "Congratulations!!"
EQUS $9C ; Background colour to Black
EQUS $1F,$03,$07 ; Move cursor to (3,7)
EQUS $82 ; Text colour to Green
EQUS "Your score is in the Top Eight."
EQUS $1F,$07,$0A ; Move cursor to (7,10)
EQUS $81,$0A,$81 ; Text colour to Red,
; move down one line, Text colour to Red
EQUS "Please enter your name:"
EQUS $1F,$07,$0F ; Move cursor to (7,15)
EQUS $86,$9D ; Background colour to Cyan
EQUS $84 ; Text colour to blue
EQUS $1F,$1F,$0F ; Move cursor to (31,15)
EQUS $9C ; Background colour to Black
EQUS $1F,$0A,$0F ; Move cursor to (10,15)
LDX #$00 ; Set address of screen
LDY #$04 ; content (.topEightText)
JSR printMicrosoftString ; and print it
Fetching the Player's Name
Next, the OSWORD routine for reading keyboard input (also from the last post) is called to fetch the player's name. An OSBYTE call is made first to reset the Escape flag.
BeebDis labels:
LDA #$7E ;
JSR OSBYTE ; OSBYTE routine &7E (clear Escape condition)
LDY #$07 ; X and Y point to
LDX #$E0 ; parameter block .inputParams (&07E0)
LDA #$E5 ;
STA inputParams ; Store pointer to .inputBuffer (&07E5)
STY inputParams+1 ; as the first param
LDA #$13 ;
STA inputParams+2 ; Set max characters to 19 (excluding RETURN)
LDA #$20 ;
STA inputParams+3 ; Minimum acceptable ASCII value=32
LDA #$7E ;
STA inputParams+4 ; Maximum acceptable ASCII value=126
LDA #$00 ;
JSR OSWORD ; Finally make call to OSWORD routine 0
; (read a line of text from input)
A check is then made to see whether the player pressed RETURN to complete their input, as normal, or hit Escape. If they pressed Escape then the input is set to an empty string.
The text input is then copied into the lowest position of the Hall of Fame name table (the "rank 9" position).
It is now ready to be sorted to the correct rank, as covered in this earlier post.
BeebDis labels:
BCC foundCarriageReturn ; Check if Escape was pressed.
LDA #$0D ; If yes, then store only a carriage return
STA inputBuffer ; in the buffer i.e. an empty string.
.foundCarriageReturn ;
LDA nameLookup ;
STA stringPtr ; Point stringPtr (2 bytes)
LDA nameLookup+1 ; to the start of the Hall of Fame's
STA stringPtr+1 ; name table.
LDY #$13 ; Set counter to 19
; (want to copy 20 bytes in total)
LDA inputBuffer,Y ; Copy character from input buffer
STA (stringPtr),Y ; to the lowest rank in the
; name table (rank 9).
BPL copyFromBuffer ; Copy next character while Y>=0
BeebDis labels:
inputParams $07E0Disassembly:
LDA #$7E ;
JSR OSBYTE ; OSBYTE routine &7E (clear Escape condition)
LDY #$07 ; X and Y point to
LDX #$E0 ; parameter block .inputParams (&07E0)
LDA #$E5 ;
STA inputParams ; Store pointer to .inputBuffer (&07E5)
STY inputParams+1 ; as the first param
LDA #$13 ;
STA inputParams+2 ; Set max characters to 19 (excluding RETURN)
LDA #$20 ;
STA inputParams+3 ; Minimum acceptable ASCII value=32
LDA #$7E ;
STA inputParams+4 ; Maximum acceptable ASCII value=126
LDA #$00 ;
JSR OSWORD ; Finally make call to OSWORD routine 0
; (read a line of text from input)
A check is then made to see whether the player pressed RETURN to complete their input, as normal, or hit Escape. If they pressed Escape then the input is set to an empty string.
Copying to the Name Look-up Table
It is now ready to be sorted to the correct rank, as covered in this earlier post.
BeebDis labels:
foundCarriageReturn $055B
copyFromBuffer $0567
BCC foundCarriageReturn ; Check if Escape was pressed.
LDA #$0D ; If yes, then store only a carriage return
STA inputBuffer ; in the buffer i.e. an empty string.
.foundCarriageReturn ;
LDA nameLookup ;
STA stringPtr ; Point stringPtr (2 bytes)
LDA nameLookup+1 ; to the start of the Hall of Fame's
STA stringPtr+1 ; name table.
LDY #$13 ; Set counter to 19
; (want to copy 20 bytes in total)
LDA inputBuffer,Y ; Copy character from input buffer
STA (stringPtr),Y ; to the lowest rank in the
; name table (rank 9).
BPL copyFromBuffer ; Copy next character while Y>=0
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